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正在播放:多瑙河之波 - 乐视

地区:罗马尼亚/ 年份:1959


罗马尼亚解放前夕,共产党的地下工作者托玛,为了从敌人手中搞到大批军火,混进了囚犯队,让港务局挑选去当水手。船 长米哈依是个富有爱国热情的人,在托玛的影响下,认清了斗争的道路,与托玛共同除掉了船上押运军火的德国兵,将载运的军火送运给游击队。米哈依在战斗中英勇地牺牲了,托玛怀着沉痛的心情以必胜的信念走向新的战斗。 The movie is about the tumultuous years of the final period of World War II in Romania. When a Romanian port on the Danube is sabotaged by partisans, the Germans ask for a barge to collect what is left after the explosion. Bargee Mihai, takes along his new wife, Ana, on his voyage up the Danube, despite wartime bombs and mines, but it ultimately proves to be a journey of personal discovery for them both. It's 1944, and his cargo of arms for the retreating Germans, as well as the convergence of Nazi "protectors", newly insurgent partisans, and suspicious crew members, mark him as a man in the middle, faced with an unexpected moral choice. Liviu Ciulei, Romania, 1959, Romanian, 100 min, fiction film, DVD-ROM Mihai (Liviu Ciulei) leads members of the local resistance movement in an attack on a barge carrying weapons and ammunition for the Nazis in this World War II action feature. As the vessel moves up the Danube, the rival factions battle for control of the deadly cargo.

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